Double Down ♦️

What would you like to do? 

That's a loaded question, but if you're sitting at a blackjack table showing 11, it's wise to double down. 

The odds are in your favor to scale your winnings. 

You business should double down too. 

Which leads us to your next marketing nugget.   

Double Down On What Works ♦️

You've built a business and are here for a reason.  

Rather than looking at new ways to grow and scale, look at what has been working. 

Questions to Review

✅ Where are we getting the majority of our business?  

✅ Who is our target audience? 

✅ What are they buying? 

✅ How are we earning their business?  

Answer those question and DOUBLE DOWN! 

Push your efforts towards those folks. 

Resource We ❤️

Create better ads for your business. 

Until Tomorrow 🗓

That's a wrap!  We'll have more marketing goodness tomorrow. 🥛

Please send your comments, questions, etc. on over!

We understand that one size doesn't fit all (like the Snuggie)🙃

Keep Exploring 🌎 and Be Kind ❤️

DISCLAIMER:  This newsletter is strictly educational. Please be careful and do your own research. 🧐


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