Preparing for 2023πŸ₯›

How did the New Year's resolution start?

The origin of making New Year's resolutions rests with the Babylonians (2000 B.C.), who reportedly made promises to the gods in hopes they'd earn good favor in the coming year.

Talk about a long lasting tradition!

Resolutions are coming up in so many conversations this week.

They often sound like:

➑️ What's your New Year's resolution?

➑️ What is the big event you want to accomplish in 2023?

➑️ How's your business going to perform in 2023?

Slick Rick ( local dude at Dunkin') even asked me!

So today's post is not only going to ask you, " What's your business's resolution in 2023?"

But also dig deeper into questions you should be asking yourself to help identify the best path for your marketing in the New Year!

Are you with me?

Let's go! 🀟🏼

Identifying Your Resolution πŸ”

Did you know?

43% of all people expect to fail before February, and almost one out of four quit within the first week of setting their New Year's resolution.

On top of that, most people quit before the end of January and only 9% see their resolutions through until succession.

9% successfully keep their New Year's resolutions.

Only 9%! 🀯


The 3 reasons that kept coming up in my research:

βœ… Emotional - People want to run away from the pain.

βœ… No Structure - Poor planning.

βœ… Fear - Scared what might happen.

I highlight these three because you know that those also apply to marketing in business.

Let me break it down for you.

βœ… Emotional - You are running marketing campaigns and getting zero traction. Someone tells you that their friend is using TikTok and are crushing it! You decide to use TikTok and get zero results. Not only is it frustrating, but costly.

βœ… No Structure - I mentioned this to you before, but foundation and planning is critical. You need to think long term and plan.

βœ… Fear - This gets to everyone one. You want to try a new social media channel, attend a new event, etc. but then talk yourself out of it.

How many of those resonate with you?

All three for me! πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

So how do we conquer those and become part of the 9%?"

I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that the questions below will help you identify key areas to improve your marketing and business in 2023.

The bad news.

You need to EXECUTE every day!

Annual Review Questions πŸ€”

βœ… What did I change my mind on this year?

  • Example: Did you adopt a new process that improved customer experience?

βœ… What created energy this year?

  • What people, projects, activities, campaigns, events, etc?

  • Did I spend ample time or neglect them?

  • Goal: Spend more time on these in 2023

βœ… What drained energy this year?

  • What people, projects, activities, campaigns, events, etc?

  • Did I let them drain my time or cut them out immediately?

  • Goal: Spend less time on these in 2023

βœ… Who were the boat anchors in my marketing?

  • These are the negative people.

  • Poor attitudes that lead to a negative environment.

  • Goal: Eliminate them in 2023

βœ… What did you not do because of fear?

  • Deconstruct the fears:

    • What was the downside?

    • What was the upside?

  • Goal: Get closer to your fears in 2023

βœ… What were your biggest marketing hits and misses?

Ever meet a gambler who only tells you about his wins and not his losses?

That's not balanced.

  • The objective of this question is to see both sides and have a balanced view.

βœ… What did you learn this year?

  • Write down everything.

Take your time on these questions (I write my answers and go back to them throughout the week).

And yes, I know you are getting this on Dec. 30th.

Take time to reflect in early 2023.

Be honest.

You should apply these to all aspects of your business.

And you can find more questions like these here

Well that's a wrap for 2022!

We have lot's coming for you in 2023 and can't wait to help you engage and drive revenue!

I want to personally THANK YOU for the feedback.

I truly want you to win.

All signs are pointing to a shaky economy in 2023 and Milk Money Marketing wants to do everything to help you drive results.

Please share this with others and spread the word.

You can book a call with us through, our sister site, Groundswell Systems.


Keep Exploring 🌎 Be Kind ❀️ ExecuteπŸš€

DISCLAIMER: This newsletter is strictly educational. Please be careful and do your own research. 🧐


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